DOB: April 16, 1986
Career: Graphic Designer (more commonly known as "the starving artist")
Why Crayfish?: Well, when I was younger my favorite animal was the lobster. I loved lobsters, especially the ones in the supermarkets (but I believe that was more from my great aunt buying them for me to "free them"). Anyway, as I grew older I pretty much resided in the fact that I was never going to own a lobster and slowly forgot about them. Then, the man I love the most, introduced me to some crayfish he had recently caught and I fell in love with these "mini-lobsters". And that started my horrible obsession... as I know have tanks and tanks of many different species of crayfish that I breed and raise. ...but all of that aside, c'mon! Crayfish are just the cutest little critters, you have to love them!
How Do You Get Your Crayfish?: I get my crayfish a variety of ways. I often catch wild crayfish locally during the warmer months, though NJ doesn't have a particularly impressive list of species to find. I buy my crayfish from local fish stores and hobbyists/breeders. I often buy crayfish online from websites or fellow hobbyists/breeders. And now that I've gotten a fairly large collection of breeding species, I often trade crayfish with my crayfish friends around the world.
You Keep Crayfish, You Must Be Weird (in personality, appearance, etc)?: You're damn right I'm weird. I strive hard to be weird, I always have. Whether it's from my dark, sarcastic humor or my often oddly colored dyed hair. Be it from my strange taste in clothing or my odd placement of piercings and jewelry. Hell, I'm weird because I'm a female that's addicted to World of Warcraft (I'm a lvl 65 Tauren Hunter, haha) and who actually enjoys watching porn. I even love horror movies, the scarier they are, they better they are! I. Am. Weird.
But keeping crayfish isn't what makes me weird. A lot of people keep crayfish, actually, a lot more than you'd think. Don't believe me? Hop on over to,, or There's a lot of us... We're everywhere! *insert evil laughter here*
And if you do hop on over to any of those sites, please feel free to look me up:
Crayfishmates - Black Sun
Bluecrayfish- Rojito
Aquariacentral- Black Sun
Monsterfishkeepers- Black Sun
A Parting Picture: Here's a parting picture, just so you know who it is that's writing this lovely little blog, heh.
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